How to get a mobile subscription in Denmark

How to get a mobile subscription in Denmark

New in Denmark? Then you would probably like to get a Danish cell phone subscription as fast as possible. In this article we will show you how to get started.

An important step of the process of settling in Denmark is getting a cell phone subscription. This makes it easier for study or work colleagues, friends and family abroad as well as official entities to get hold of you. Sticking with your own subscription from home could leave you with a huge bill, so the faster you decide on a Danish subscription, the better. This article will guide you all the way.

Danish cell phone subscriptions are roughly divided into three types:
• Regular subscriptions with monthly payment (expensive, but companies have high street stores)
• Online subscriptions with pay-as-you-go or monthly payment (Recommended, cheap, online)
• Prepaid cards (Expensive but no subscription needed)
This article focuses on the online subscriptions as this in our opinion by far is the best option.

You don’t need to be a computer expert to set it up as the companies guide you through the registration process. The companies give you the opportunity to handle all your subscription details online as well as let you add on any extras you require such as foreign calls or extra data.
The recommended companies and subscriptions are:

Link to the different subscriptions mentioned above:

6 hours talk + 6 GB data (CallMe)

12 hours talk + 10 GB data (CallMe)

6 hours talk + 1 GB data (Telmore) (scroll down to “6 timer + 1 GB”)

10 hours talk + 5 GB data (Telmore) (scroll down to “10 timer + 5 GB”)

As you will notice, CallMe’s prices are very competitive. This is why we have chosen to present a more thorough guide to their online registration in particular.

Guide to CallMe
Step 1:
Choose ”Abonnementer” (Subscriptions) in the top bar menu.



Step 2: Choose the subscription that best suits your needs.

Mest populære = Most popular
Timer = Hours
Fri SMS/MMS = Unlimited free text and picture messages within Denmark
Fri tale til Call me kunder = Free calls between Call me customers
Vælg = Choose this subscription

Step 3: If you have a smartphone, choose “Jeg ønsker micro-SIM” (I need a micro SIM card)

0 øre i opkaldsafgift = No connection fee charged
Øvrige priser = Additional costs
Abonnement pr. md. = Monthly fee
Oprettelse = Setup fee (0 kr. means it’s free)
Regningsadm. pr. md. = Bill handling fee per month
Mindstepris i 1. md. = Minimum fee first month
Bestil = Order (not final, additional options on next page)

Step 4: Add discount packages if needed

Tilføj rabatpakker og spar penge = Add discount packages and save money
Fri tale til fastnet = Unlimited calls to Danish landline phones
Surfpakke = Internet package
Videre til nummer og services = Continue to choose a phone number and servi


Step 5A: Pick a number
The first two options (Already a subscriber and move number from another vendor) are not applicable. Choose “Nyt mobilnummer” (New phone number)


Step 5B: Additional options
Choose additional free options.

Hemmeligt nummer = Unlisted number, no caller ID
Udeladt nummer = Unlisted number but with caller ID
Saldokontrol = Max. amount you can spend on top of your subscription (per month)
Beløb i kr. = Amount in Danish kroner
Videre til personlige oplysninger = Continue to personal details



Step 6A: Personal details
Add your personal details in the given fields.

For- og mellemnavne = Given names
Efternavn = Surname
Gentag email = Repeat email
Personnummer = Danish social security number
Boligtype = Living type
Lejebolig = Rental flat / Student accommodation
Ejerbolig = Owned home
Andelsbolig = Cooperative housing
Hjemmeboende = Living with parents
Beskæftigelse = Employment
A-kasse = Unemployment benefits
Fuldtidsansat = Full-time
Arbejdsledig = Unemployed
Pensionist = Pensioner
Invalidepensionist = Disabilities pension
Studerende = Student
Selvstændig = Self employed
Deltidsansat = Part-time
Andet = Other
Civilstatus = Civil status
Alene = Single
Gift = Married
Samlevende = Living with partner
Separeret/Skilt = Separated/Divorced
Enke/Enkemand = Widower

*Disse felter skal udfyldes= These fields are mandatory

** Denne information bruges kun ifbm. Kreditvurdering =
This information is used for credit assesment

Jeg accepterer salgs-, leverings- og abonnementsbetingelserne, samt at der tages forbehold for prisfejl. =
I accept the sales-, delivery- and subscription conditions and that price errors may occur.


Step 6B:
Payment method. If you have a Danish bank account the cheapest way to pay the bill is to let “Betalingsservice” (Payment Service) do it automatically from your account. Simply type your registration and account number (Found on the backside of your bank card). The bank charges a DKK 6,50 handling fee.
If you don’t have a Danish account, choose the second option to have a bill mailed to your home address. Note there is a monthly DKK 39 handling fee for the paper bill.

Hvordan vil du betale dine regninger fremover? = How do you wish to pay your bills?
Videre til bestilling = Continue to next step


Step 7: Complete your order
Finalize your order and wait for your SIM to arrive by mail.
Remember to unlock your phone in order to use the Danish SIM in your phone. An unlock code can be obtained by contacting your current vendor.


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